Sunday, November 14, 2010


The hardest thing I've ever gone through in my life is losing my mom. She was my best friend. It's just as hard to see some of my closest friends lose parents. It tears me apart knowing someone else has to go through what I did. It's not fair for someone to have to grow up without a parent. It seems like these last few months a lot of parents have died. It breaks my heart to watch the children of them go through it... Knowing I can relate to how their feeling breaks me apart because I know it hurts. I'm always here for anyone whos lost a parent, or anyone. It's hard but it does get easier. It may be one step forward and two steps back right now.. but you eventually make progress. They're always looking down on you smiling. This worlds a rough place, so just know they're in a better place. My prayers go out to the Martin Family. Tyler, know you're a big part of my life and if you ever need anything don't hesitate to ask. You're mom would be proud of the son she's raised. So smile and keep your head high. Love You Tyler. 

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