Monday, April 4, 2011

there's a fine line between being sweet-and-caring and being obsessive-and-creepy. some boys really need to realize this. us girls, we want flowers sent to our front door with a note from anonymous. we want to watch the sun set and have you hold our hand. we don't want you to text us 24 hours of the say. we don't want to spend every weekend with you in bed watching movies. we don't want you to tell us in the first few months of knowing us, that you're thinking we're the one and you want to get married and have kids. please, please.. just watch that line. we want sweet, cute, innocent. not obsessive, creepy, stalkerish, try-hards.


Anya Rudn said...

Very good point.. Most boys ust dont get it util we spell it out for them!

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